Saturday, December 24, 2011

#31: Christmas lights at Temple Square.

This afternoon, Diane's brother Andrew and his wife Liz flew into town for Christmas. Since they don't get to come to Utah very often at this time of year, they suggested that we go see the Christmas lights downtown at Temple Square. Diane and I haven't gone to see the lights for a few years now, so we were excited to go.  We bundled up and headed downtown (after stopping by at Cafe Rio for a delicious Christmas Eve dinner, of course. Feliz Navidad!).
"Free Meal!"
We had a wonderful time at Temple Square. The lights were beautiful, the Spirit was peaceful, and the company was great.
Visiting the Salt Lake Temple never gets old.
Andrew and Liz with two adorable kids.
Go Utes!
A wookiee and an ewok.
My favorite part of Temple Square is the Christus statue. Every time I see it, I feel incredible peace and gratitude. With his outstretched arms, Christ's invitation is open to all: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).  Amongst all the shining lights at Temple Square, His light truly shines the brightest.  God bless you and merry Christmas!
Christus statue at the Temple Square visitor's center.
Nice video about the lights at Temple Square, as found at

1 comment:

  1. Salt Lake Temple still looks amazing after all these years. I really miss going to that area every Christmas.
