A few months ago I discovered a great website:
mormono.com/rct that links you to a random General Conference talk from any past General Conference. You can also select a random talk from just the most recent Conference if you don't want to listen to older talks. However, for me, listening to older talks has been really awesome. Tonight I was linked to a
talk from 1995 given by President Hinckley at the General Relief Society meeting titled "
Stand Strong Against the Wiles of the World" shortly after he was called as President of the Church. I never would have looked for this talk on my own, but thanks to Mormono, I was able to discover it.
Mormono also has links to a random chapter of scripture from the full standard works, from the full standard works minus the Old Testament, or from just the Book of Mormon.
I don't know who created Mormono, but whoever you are, thanks!